Why didnt YOUR home sell?(The reason yours didnt might shock you.)Call Doug today at 678-929-SOLD!
 I dont want to list your home -  I want to get it SOLD!
30-Day Guarantee Life is too short to have to hassle with long-term listing agreements. Give my referral listing broker 30 days. If youre not completely satisfied and we dont have an offer, you may transfer your listing to another broker and pay no fee or any other charge. Its no problem.I want you to be happy.You have my word on it!
So what DOES sell homes?(The formula is quite simple, actually.)My Referral Agents are either Brokersor Realtors with a GRI Designation. They are Top Producers Who Work Primarily by Referral Only.Each has Sold Scores of Homes(Most have sold hundreds of them.) Dont Expect a Dog & Pony Show.(Seriously - thats not how they roll.)Do Expect to Get Your Home Sold.Broker DougYour Trusty Real Estate Referral Broker 678-929-SOLD
Solid Source Realty GA, LLC   10900 Crabapple Rd   Roswell, GA 30075 Michele Velcheck, Qualifying BrokerBroker Doug can help.
Video outlining the Broker Doug approach that all referral agents use.
Im ready to talk.